The weeks of Stresa Festival
Stresa Festival del Lago Maggiore are the manifestation symbol of Lake Maggiore. See: http://www.stresafestival.eu/
Stresa Festival del Lago Maggiore are the manifestation symbol of Lake Maggiore. See: http://www.stresafestival.eu/
Only 50 minutes drive to Switzerland, an event which has become over time: Ascona Jazz Festival. A musical festival and annual jazz that takes place in Ascona (Canton Ticino), Switzerland. The festival lasting about 10 days and is devoted to historical jazz styles, particularly to New Orleans’s Jazz. See: www.jazzascona.ch
Just 60 minutes by car: 10 days of pop and rock music on the Piazza Grande in Locarno in Canton Ticino Switzerland. In this unique setting it takes place the renowned Moon and Stars Festival, where international stars of the musical Olympus perform in front of thousands spectators. Great concerts,[…]